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Saturday, October 31, 2015
Thursday, October 22, 2015
Introduction To Our Life....
Now that you know a little who we are as people, let me introduce you to some of the other facets of our lives! We live on a small acreage in the country in Wisconsin, in an old farmhouse we had moved on to our property when our house trailer got too small. We've spent the last 2 1/2 years remodeling it and fixing things up so we can sell it, and hopefully move on to a bigger acreage once we find one available that fits our needs.
So, what are those needs? For one, a space to put Lumberjack's shop. Right now he's renting one, but it's not real suited to the type of work he does, and he needs some more space to spread his wings. Er, logs. He's the local expert on log buildings, and has had lots of work repairing and maintaining log structures, as well as building some new ones. He sells lumber and specialty wood products out of his rented shop. He's a fine craftsman and artist with wood--as long as when you think artist you think practically, big, and full log size type stuff.
Another need is a place to put our animals. We started with one angus cross heifer, and now our herd has grown to two cows, two heifer calves, and a yearling steer, without buying a single animal. Well, at the moment we also have a borrowed bull in our pasture so we can add to the herd by two again next year. Our herd has long outstripped our pasture, and is beginning to push the limits of our rented pasture as well. Thankfully, our freezer is also full with a grassfed steer off of our own land, from our own cow. Gotta love the homestead life! Oh, and we also have about 40 chickens in the freezer that we raised over the summer. And 10 hens out in the backyard for our own fresh eggs. There's also a rooster out there, so hopefully we'll be seeing some chicks running around out there next summer!
To add to the hobby farm feel we have two big Alaskan Malamutes, a male (Kodi) and female (Tundra), which we have around as pets and as an income supplement/science teaching tool with a litter of puppies every so often. We have used Kodi to pull our little red wagon sometimes, and we do have a dogsled but need to get a harness for Tundra before we can really do much with it as it's too big and heavy for one dog to easily pull. And, last but not least, we have the skunk defying, sandwich stealing tom cat named Yeller.
Indoors, we at the present time have only one little Betta fish, Bertie, as a part of the decorations in our kitchen... His predecessor, Flash, was finished off by a little overly helpful human topping off his fish bowl with cold water, and poor Flash somehow ended up on the floor halfway across the kitchen. Bertie won't be facing the same fate, now the children have been educated!
I hope to soon give you a tour of our home as well. I love our house, and I'll be sad to eventually move out. Meanwhile, I'll enjoy living here, and work at getting some pictures of it for you to see!
Our house
Another need is a place to put our animals. We started with one angus cross heifer, and now our herd has grown to two cows, two heifer calves, and a yearling steer, without buying a single animal. Well, at the moment we also have a borrowed bull in our pasture so we can add to the herd by two again next year. Our herd has long outstripped our pasture, and is beginning to push the limits of our rented pasture as well. Thankfully, our freezer is also full with a grassfed steer off of our own land, from our own cow. Gotta love the homestead life! Oh, and we also have about 40 chickens in the freezer that we raised over the summer. And 10 hens out in the backyard for our own fresh eggs. There's also a rooster out there, so hopefully we'll be seeing some chicks running around out there next summer!
Indoors, we at the present time have only one little Betta fish, Bertie, as a part of the decorations in our kitchen... His predecessor, Flash, was finished off by a little overly helpful human topping off his fish bowl with cold water, and poor Flash somehow ended up on the floor halfway across the kitchen. Bertie won't be facing the same fate, now the children have been educated!
I hope to soon give you a tour of our home as well. I love our house, and I'll be sad to eventually move out. Meanwhile, I'll enjoy living here, and work at getting some pictures of it for you to see!
Saturday, October 17, 2015
All I do is flush toilets!
It seems like lately every time I turn around lately I'm smelling rancid pee. Or worse. Then the hunt is on to determine which of our 3 bathrooms is the source... and which of my 3 stinkers was the culprit. I usually end up flushing at least two of the toilets, turning off the bathroom lights/fan, lighting a candle, and shutting the door too. Only to repeat shortly. Again. And. Again.
Then I finally make it outside to hang up a load of wash. Instead of enjoying the breeze and sunshine, I find myself steaming over always flushing toilets. And then I hang up an item I had only washed a few days ago. Seriously? This is dirty again?
And that is only a reminder that recently I had pulled an entire stack of clean, still folded little boys' jeans out of the DIRTY laundry hamper. C'mon, kids, is throwing clothes down the laundry chute really that much fun? Or were you just too lazy to actually put them in the drawer after I washed, hung up, took down, folded, and handed you that stack of clean pants? Now THIS time put them AWAY. In the drawer. Neatly. Where they belong.
Meanwhile, the baby monitor squawks. Looking despairingly at the half empty basket of laundry still waiting to be folded, I leave it there to go feed that hungry Princess again. She slurps, and burps, and fills her diaper. After changing her diaper, and her clothes, I get to go on yet another toilet flushing spree.
And, you guessed it, one thing leads to another, and suddenly the laundry's been bleaching in the sun for two hours. (Hint: Not sure why laundry bleaches fast in the basket than out, but it makes some strange patterns on nice clothes when a basket of laundry sits in the sun for too long!) Lay Princess down, tip toe from the bedroom, and hurriedly finish the load of laundry while hoping Lumberjack is late again so I don't have to feel guilty about not having supper ready on time.
And that's how life seem to go. One repetitive chore after another. Children who don't seem to care if there are clean clothes carpeting their bedroom floor. More fires to put out during a day than you have time or energy to deal with. And life, never mind the house, seems like one royal mess! Life with small children seems so hectic and wearisome. And yet all you seem to do is flush toilets.
Let us lift our minds and hearts above the daily drudgery! I need the reminder more than you, believe me. When it seems I only turned circles all day I feel discouraged and defeated. Surely I was made for bigger things! My joys, my talents, my interests are buried underneath an ever expanding mountain of laundry and being smothered by the demands of hungry bellies. But the owners of those hungry bellies are eternal souls. The little one whose dirty dress I'm washing for the second time in the same week might one day have to scrub blood from her shirt after saving a life. The little feet tracking sand in from the sandbox might someday be tracking through more hostile sand in search of souls for the Kingdom of God. The greasy fingerprints left on the walls belong to someone who might one day be trusted to fix something that would mean life or death to a hundred people flying over the ocean.
And on a practical note--I have found it hugely helpful to have one, just one, little corner that I can keep clean. Effort spent in keeping that place spotless is effort paid off when I need to lay my eyes on something restful. At one point it was the couch. If the couch could just be clean, I could take a deep breath of refreshment when I glanced at it and find courage to face down another mountain somewhere else. Right now, my refreshing place is my laundry room. Now that may sound silly or hard to keep up with, but it is organized and laid out so well it only takes me about 5 minutes to clean it, including mopping the floor. Being just off the kitchen, I see it all the time. The kids don't play in there, so it doesn't tend to get full of their clutter. Someday, yes, someday I will make more than one restful spot, but for now, this will have to do. Speaking of which, I need to take my 5 minutes to go clean it while Princess is still sleeping...
Then I finally make it outside to hang up a load of wash. Instead of enjoying the breeze and sunshine, I find myself steaming over always flushing toilets. And then I hang up an item I had only washed a few days ago. Seriously? This is dirty again?
And that is only a reminder that recently I had pulled an entire stack of clean, still folded little boys' jeans out of the DIRTY laundry hamper. C'mon, kids, is throwing clothes down the laundry chute really that much fun? Or were you just too lazy to actually put them in the drawer after I washed, hung up, took down, folded, and handed you that stack of clean pants? Now THIS time put them AWAY. In the drawer. Neatly. Where they belong.
Meanwhile, the baby monitor squawks. Looking despairingly at the half empty basket of laundry still waiting to be folded, I leave it there to go feed that hungry Princess again. She slurps, and burps, and fills her diaper. After changing her diaper, and her clothes, I get to go on yet another toilet flushing spree.
And, you guessed it, one thing leads to another, and suddenly the laundry's been bleaching in the sun for two hours. (Hint: Not sure why laundry bleaches fast in the basket than out, but it makes some strange patterns on nice clothes when a basket of laundry sits in the sun for too long!) Lay Princess down, tip toe from the bedroom, and hurriedly finish the load of laundry while hoping Lumberjack is late again so I don't have to feel guilty about not having supper ready on time.
And that's how life seem to go. One repetitive chore after another. Children who don't seem to care if there are clean clothes carpeting their bedroom floor. More fires to put out during a day than you have time or energy to deal with. And life, never mind the house, seems like one royal mess! Life with small children seems so hectic and wearisome. And yet all you seem to do is flush toilets.
Let us lift our minds and hearts above the daily drudgery! I need the reminder more than you, believe me. When it seems I only turned circles all day I feel discouraged and defeated. Surely I was made for bigger things! My joys, my talents, my interests are buried underneath an ever expanding mountain of laundry and being smothered by the demands of hungry bellies. But the owners of those hungry bellies are eternal souls. The little one whose dirty dress I'm washing for the second time in the same week might one day have to scrub blood from her shirt after saving a life. The little feet tracking sand in from the sandbox might someday be tracking through more hostile sand in search of souls for the Kingdom of God. The greasy fingerprints left on the walls belong to someone who might one day be trusted to fix something that would mean life or death to a hundred people flying over the ocean.
And on a practical note--I have found it hugely helpful to have one, just one, little corner that I can keep clean. Effort spent in keeping that place spotless is effort paid off when I need to lay my eyes on something restful. At one point it was the couch. If the couch could just be clean, I could take a deep breath of refreshment when I glanced at it and find courage to face down another mountain somewhere else. Right now, my refreshing place is my laundry room. Now that may sound silly or hard to keep up with, but it is organized and laid out so well it only takes me about 5 minutes to clean it, including mopping the floor. Being just off the kitchen, I see it all the time. The kids don't play in there, so it doesn't tend to get full of their clutter. Someday, yes, someday I will make more than one restful spot, but for now, this will have to do. Speaking of which, I need to take my 5 minutes to go clean it while Princess is still sleeping...
Monday, October 12, 2015
Introduction To The Family...
Hello! I'm glad to see you here! Let me introduce myself and share a little about my life, family, and blog. For starters, let me introduce my family, starting with the newest addition:
Princess is all of two months old. She's everybody's pet, and is growing like a weed. (Her daddy's nickname for her is "Monster"--weighing in at 16 pounds already, it's almost appropriate!) Needless to say, at this point all she does is eat, sleep, fill diapers, and fuss, with her days generously sprinkled with smiles and coos as well in happy moments of being the center of attention.
Treasure is our angel baby, would be 15 months old, and is remembered always in our hearts.
Little Miss is 3, delighted to be a big sister! She loves to help with the baby, in the kitchen, with the laundry, and any time I need to "spway" something to clean it. In general, she's my right hand helper and loves to be initiated into the wonders of homemaking. She is doing kindergarten this year in school, and is breezing through it even though she's so young. She wants to learn to read!
Manly is 5, and says he wants to be an EMT and a mechanic when he grows up. He loves to tinker with things, off by himself somewhere, and is always happiest at home with all of us nearby. He's a neat and tidy little fellow naturally, which I sure don't mind! He'll often set things right about the house... even when I haven't asked him to do something. He's also doing kindergarten in school this year, and loves it.
Big Stuff is our big 8 year old. He's super friendly, super energetic, super affectionate, and has a super imagination. There are no half-ways with this young man... as long as his excitement stays up! His ambition is to do whatever it is that makes money, including big ideas to sell his well-used toy for $100. Sorry, Son! But watch out world when he gets big enough to wield that entrepreneurial spirit! He's doing some third grade and some fourth grade stuff in school, and is recovering from a fall on his head with resultant brain surgery over the summer which does affect his academics some.
Lumberjack is my husband. Handsome. Need I say more? He does some logging, some work at our sawmill, and lots of work repairing, chinking, staining, and building log and wood sided structures. He works hard for us, and his muscles show it! (www.KickapooCountryMilling.com) He's a gentle, but strong, manly man who I love with all my heart.
And me, Mom. Wife. Homemaker. Teacher. Cook. Laundress. Entrepreneur. Homesteader wanna-be. Queen of my small realm called Home. Daughter of the King. Ambassador of an unseen Kingdom. That's all the nice stuff... but walk in on me on any given day and you might just find a weepy mess living in a pig pen whose only accomplishment of the day was that no one died. Well, this is real life, with a real battle to be fought. Thanks for joining me!
Princess is all of two months old. She's everybody's pet, and is growing like a weed. (Her daddy's nickname for her is "Monster"--weighing in at 16 pounds already, it's almost appropriate!) Needless to say, at this point all she does is eat, sleep, fill diapers, and fuss, with her days generously sprinkled with smiles and coos as well in happy moments of being the center of attention.
Treasure is our angel baby, would be 15 months old, and is remembered always in our hearts.
Little Miss is 3, delighted to be a big sister! She loves to help with the baby, in the kitchen, with the laundry, and any time I need to "spway" something to clean it. In general, she's my right hand helper and loves to be initiated into the wonders of homemaking. She is doing kindergarten this year in school, and is breezing through it even though she's so young. She wants to learn to read!
Big Stuff is our big 8 year old. He's super friendly, super energetic, super affectionate, and has a super imagination. There are no half-ways with this young man... as long as his excitement stays up! His ambition is to do whatever it is that makes money, including big ideas to sell his well-used toy for $100. Sorry, Son! But watch out world when he gets big enough to wield that entrepreneurial spirit! He's doing some third grade and some fourth grade stuff in school, and is recovering from a fall on his head with resultant brain surgery over the summer which does affect his academics some.
Lumberjack is my husband. Handsome. Need I say more? He does some logging, some work at our sawmill, and lots of work repairing, chinking, staining, and building log and wood sided structures. He works hard for us, and his muscles show it! (www.KickapooCountryMilling.com) He's a gentle, but strong, manly man who I love with all my heart.
And me, Mom. Wife. Homemaker. Teacher. Cook. Laundress. Entrepreneur. Homesteader wanna-be. Queen of my small realm called Home. Daughter of the King. Ambassador of an unseen Kingdom. That's all the nice stuff... but walk in on me on any given day and you might just find a weepy mess living in a pig pen whose only accomplishment of the day was that no one died. Well, this is real life, with a real battle to be fought. Thanks for joining me!
Thursday, October 8, 2015
A Bit About This Blog
You may notice that I have several posts before my introductory post (coming soon!). They are copied from a previous blog I was writing, but due to some focus changes and a new direction I needed to go with it, most of that blog was no longer relevant and I decided to begin afresh. My new direction will include much of what was in the old... food, homemaking, homesteading, health. But I was to include more of me; my family, my life, my businesses, and most of all, how the Lord encourages me in this calling of being a missionary... a missionary to the little heathens I gave birth to, and a minister to my husband. A high, lofty, difficult, impossible calling. But yet an unavoidable one.
So, please join me on this journey of being a home keeper, a keeper of husband and children and home, of the people and place that are the most precious to us...
So, please join me on this journey of being a home keeper, a keeper of husband and children and home, of the people and place that are the most precious to us...
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